The top automotive news of the day- Mahindra has launched the XUV300 in India with prices starting from Rs. 7.90 lakh and going up to Rs. 11.99 lakh (ex-showroom, India). It is the newest model in the subcompact SUV space and will rival the likes of Maruti Vitara Brezza, Tata Nexon and Ford EcoSport. Triumph Motorcycles India has launched the 2019 models of the Street Twin and the Street Scrambler in India at Rs. 7.45 lakh and Rs. 8.55 lakh (ex-showroom, Delhi) respectively. And finally, TVS has launched its 110 cc Star City + commuter motorcycle in 'Kargil Edition'.
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we give a suggestion about TVs star city because TVS star city is mileage is very good. pick up power is also nice at the bike in this case you can find the best showroom in Delhi of TVS