Ford has launched the Aspire sedan in India in two CNG variants- Ambient and Trend Plus priced at Rs. 6.27 lakh and Rs. 7.12 lakh respectively. The CNG kit is fitted to the 1.2-litre petrol engine which produces 95 bhp and 120 Nm of peak torque and it features a first-in-segment suspension type cylinder which makes for better cargo space. The Ford Aspire was given a facelift in October last year where this new three-cylinder motor was introduced to the range.
Also Read: 2018 Ford Aspire Facelift Review
Commenting on the addition of a CNG variant to the Aspire range Vinay Raina, executive director - Marketing, Sales & Service- Ford India said, "The New Aspire CNG is yet another fuel-efficient, and eco-friendly alternative for our value-conscious customers. With maintenance cost as low as just 46 paise per km, the New Aspire CNG will offer great peace of mind to customers, without compromising on performance, safety or space."
Additionally, Ford India is also offering two-years or 100,000 km warranty on the Aspire CNG and is claiming a maintenance cost of 46 paise/km. Moreover, with a long-scheduled service interval of one-year/10,000km, owners will be required to get their CNG kits services once every two-years or 20,000 KM. Similar to the standard petrol variant, even the CNG variant will get an equal level of equipment such as embedded satellite navigation, an infotainment system with 7-inch touchscreen & Bluetooth connectivity, rear-view camera, remote central locking, automatic climate control, power windows, driver and front passenger airbags along with ABS with EBD.
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