Bajaj Auto has been updating its Pulsar range since late last year with cosmetic tweaks and the mandatory addition of ABS. The latest model to join the line-up is the 2019 Bajaj Pulsar 180F as per the leaked images, which is the new semi-faired motorcycle from the manufacturer. The source suggests that the new Pulsar 180F is priced at Rs. 86,500 (ex-showroom), which makes it about Rs. 2500 more expensive than the naked version. As most of you will recognise it, the Pulsar 180F is essentially the Pulsar 180 with the Pulsar 220F bodykit. The update brings more value to the Pulsar 180, further differentiating it from the Pulsar 150 that recently received the update of twin-disc brakes along with new colour options and the entry-level Classic variant. Bajaj though is yet to officially announce the new model, but we expect the launch in the coming weeks.
Mechanical details haven't been revealed for the 2019 Bajaj Pulsar 180F but expect the same 180 cc single-cylinder, oil-cooled, 2-valve engine that is currently tuned for 17 bhp and 14 Nm of peak torque. The motor is paired with a 5-speed gearbox. Expect a marginal increase in the kerb weight of the motorcycle thanks to the additional fairing. The steel exhaust though has been given a miss on the 180F. It needs to be seen though if Bajaj will offer projector headlamps like the 220F on the 180F as well.
Given how popular the Pulsar 220F has been for Bajaj for over a decade, the bike maker wants to offer a similar package at a similar price tag. The Pulsar 220F will move north of Rs. 1 lakh mark in terms of pricing with the addition of ABS for 2019, and the Pulsar 180F becomes the new entry-level faired offering from the manufacturer. The 2019 Pulsar 180F is likely to see an on-road price Rs. 1 lakh, making it a competitively priced choice for those looking at a faired Bajaj bike. It will still be competitive in pricing over rivals like the Suzuki Gixxer SF in the segment, and will come equipped with a single-channel ABS unit as well as standard.
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