Indian Motorcycle has unveiled the Indian FTR1200 street tracker, which is based on the Indian FTR750 flat-track racer. The FTR1200 is the only production street tracker available, and is powered by a new 1,203 cc, 60-degree, v-twin engine, which looks similar to the Indian Scout engine, but is actually a brand new motor. The FTR1200 is the first non-cruiser motorcycle from Indian, and has been offered in two variants. Both variants share the same engine, chassis and design, but the higher-spec S variant gets a list of performance parts and other bits.
The 1,203 cc engine is Indian's first high-performance v-twin used on a non-cruiser model, and makes 120 bhp at 8,250 rpm, and peak torque of 115 Nm at 6,000 rpm. The v-twin is mated to a six-speed close-ratio gearbox with a slip and assist clutch. The FTR1200's engine is said to be much lighter than the Indian Scout engine, and also has a higher compression ratio of 12.5:1, a lighter, low inertia crank, a larger bore and uses magnesium cases to keep the weight low, which, by the way, at 222 kg dry (221 kg for the standard variant), can hardly be called lightweight.
The chassis is a steel trellis frame, and braking is handled by Brembo M4.32 radia calipers in the front, gripping 320 mm discs, and a P34 caliper at the rear, with standard ABS. The S variant gets a 4.3-inch full-colour TFT screen, which allows you to personalise the screen style, choose between three riding modes (Sport, Standard and Rain), traction control and anti-wheelie settings. Bosch cornering ABS is switchable on the S variant, and the dash is also smartphone connectable through Bluetooth. The S variant also gets an IMU-powered traction control system (with stability control and wheelie control), and fully adjustable Sachs suspension.
The standard model gets an analogue LCD single clock, Sachs suspension with no adjustment for the fork available, but the rear shock had adjustable preload and rebound settings. The FTR1200 is available in just one colour, and no riding modes. ABS cannot be switched off on the base model as well.
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