With Diwali just around the corner, carmakers in India have been rolling out special festive offers for its customers. In that list of auto manufacturers, we also have Nissan India, which is right now offering some lucrative cash discounts, exchange benefits, and other special benefits for self and Datsun branded cars this Diwali 2018. In fact, any Nissan and Datsun branded cars that you buy this month will also come with an assured gold coin - 3 g coin with the Micra and Sunny, 6 g coin with the Terrano, and a 2 g coin with any Datsun branded car.
Talking about the Diwali offers, Hardeep Singh Brar, Director Sales & Commercial, Nissan Motor India told us, "Adding to the season's festive fervour, we have rolled out special edition products across both Nissan and Datsun. Additionally, to enhance the customer buying experience during the festive season, Nissan has rolled out exciting offers that include an assured gold coin with every purchase, insurance at Rs. 1 and an exchange bonus of up to Rs. 40,000 on all Nissan models. Datsun is offering benefits of up to Rs. 52,000 and exchange bonus up to Rs 15,000 on Datsun GO, GO+ and redi-GO. We have received an overwhelming response from customers and are witnessing high footfall at our showrooms across India. We have also recently launched the new Datsun Go and Go+ for which we are anticipating a positive response."
Nissan Micra Active and Micra
Offers specific to the Nissan Micra and Micra Active, for this month, include special festive cash benefits up to Rs. 39,500 on the former and Rs. 34,500 for the latter. Both will come with an assured 3g gold coin, benefits up to Rs. 7,000 for government employees, and special offers for Doctors and Teachers up to Rs. 20 000 on Micra Active, and Rs. 22,000 for the Micra.
Nissan Sunny
Offers on the Nissan Sunny this month includes special festive cash benefits up to Rs. 54,500, assured 3g gold coin, benefits of Rs. 12,000 for government employees, and special offers for doctors and teachers up to Rs. 30,000.
Nissan Terrano
Nissan Terrano will get special festive cash benefits up to Rs. 1,08,000, cash discount of Rs. 30,000, and assured 6g gold coin. The SUV also comes with benefits for government employees of Rs. 18,000, and special offers for doctors and teachers up to Rs. 40 000.
Datsun redi-GO
Offers specific to the Datsun redi-GO this month include an assured 2 g gold coin, 5-year unlimited kilometres warranty, free pick up and drop, exchange benefit under NIC worth Rs. 12000 and Additional Rs. 4000 benefits for government employees.
from NDTV CarAndBike - Latest News https://ift.tt/2OeuzPq
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