Mercedes-Benz India has launched its much anticipated E-Class All-Terrain in India, priced at Rs. 75 lakh (ex-showroom, India). Essentially a crossover version of the E-Class estate wagon, the new E-Class All-Terrain was first revealed in India, at the 2018 Auto Expo, and was slated to be launched towards the festive season. Equipped with the carmaker's signature 4MATIC all-wheel-drive (AWD) system, the E-Class All-Terrain comes with bold crossover-like styling and a bunch of luxury features borrowed from the E-Class sedan. The car competes in India with Volvo V90 Cross Country.
Talking about the newest addition to the company's Indian line-up, Roland Folger, Managing Director & CEO, Mercedes-Benz India said, "The Mercedes-Benz E-Class All-Terrain has a powerful, unique appearance coupled with go-anywhere capability which differentiates All-Terrain from a classic estate. It features a range of technologies that enhances driving pleasure and offers unmatched luxury with rugged appeal. The All-Terrain has the elegance and luxury of an E-Class combined with the practicality and versatility of an SUV, with the go-anywhere capability of an off-roader."
The new Mercedes-Benz E-Class All-Terrain E 220 d 4MATIC is equipped with a 2.0-litre four-cylinder diesel engine that tuned to offers 192 bhp at 3800 rpm and develops 400 Nm at 1600 - 2800 rpm. The engine is mated to a 9G-TRONIC automatic transmission that helps the car to accelerate from 0 to 100 kmph in flat 8 seconds, before hitting a top-speed of 231 kmph.
Visually, the new E-Class All-Terrain shares a bunch of its styling cues with the E-Class sedan and the GLE SUV. Up front, the car features an SUV-style radiator grille, LED projector headlamps and a heavily cladded bumper with chrome details. The robust body of the All-Terrain is further accentuated by the wheel arch cladding and the large light-weight 19-inch alloy wheels. The roof gets a contrast black treatment, while the rear section comes with sleek wraparound LED taillamps, and a beefy rear bumper with a silver diffuser and chrome-tipped dual exhaust port.
The 4MATIC all-wheel drive E-Class All-Terrain has unique features like increased ground clearance due to the AIR BODY CONTROL multi-chamber air suspension, which increased the ground clearance by 35 mm. The cabin comes with rear seat with backrest that folds into a 40:20:40 split offering a maximum of 1,820 litres of storage.
from NDTV CarAndBike - Latest News
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