Bajaj Auto today released its monthly sales numbers for September 2018, and the Pune-based two-wheeler manufacturer has registered a good 17 per cent growth. Claimed to be its highest-ever monthly sales performance, the company sold 4,30,939 motorcycles last month, against the 3,69,678 units sold in September 2017. The company's domestic sales also saw a double-digit growth of 10 per cent, selling 2,73,029 units, compared to the 2,47,418 motorcycles that were sold during the same month last year. Bajaj's exports saw the highest growth of 29 per cent, with 1,57,910 motorcycles in September 2018, against the 1,22,260 units that were exported in September 2017. Both domestic sales and exports were also at their monthly high.
Also Read: Bajaj Auto August 2018 Sales Performance
As for commercial vehicles, the company registered a cumulative growth of 20 per cent with 71,070 being sold last month, compared to the 59,074 that were sold in September 2017. Commercial sales in the domestic market went up by 12 per cent to 38,474 units, against the 34,361 units sold during the same month last year. On the other hand, growth in CV exports, similar to two-wheeler exports was quite high at 32 per cent, with 32,596 units being exported compared to the 24,713 CVs from September 2017.
Bajaj Auto's total sales growth, including two-wheeler and commercial vehicles, was at its monthly high of 17 per cent. The company's total sales accounted for 5,02,009 units in September 2018, compared to the 4,28,752 units sold during the same month last year. Total domestic sales went up by 11 per cent with 3,11,503 units, while total exports grew by 30 per cent, to 1,90,506 units. Both were the highest ever monthly sales in their respective category.
from NDTV CarAndBike - Latest News
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