The Indian arm of Swedish carmaker, Volvo Cars India has introduced a new variant to the top of the line XC90 SUV in the form of the T8 Inscription variant, which will now retail at a price of Rs. 96.65 lakh (ex-showroom, India). The new Volvo XC90 T8 Inscription Plug-In Hybrid version, which comes in the petrol avatar, will be positioned below the T8 Hybrid Excellence, launched back in 2016 for Rs. 1.25 crore. The new Volvo XC90 T8 Inscription plug-in hybrid will compete against the likes of Mercedes-Benz GLS 400 4Matic, BMW X6 35i M Sport and even the Mercedes-AMG GLE 43 4Matic, and incidentally, it is the only plug-in hybrid SUV in the portfolio.
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The 7-seater Volvo XC90 T8 Inscription plug-in hybrid is visually similar to the T8 Hybrid Excellence, but it misses out on a few of the tech gizmos. The xc90 T8 Inscription plug-in hybrid comes with a 4-zone climate control, panoramic sunroof, Bowers and Wilkins system, HUD, adaptive suspension, Nappa leather seats and ventilation function for the front passengers. Rest of the features remain the same in the XC90 T8 Inscription and is carried forward from the T8 Hybrid Excellence.
Now, the major change comes under the hood as the XC90 T8 Inscription now gets a 2.0-litre, direct injection, four-cylinder petrol engine that churns out 81bhp and 240Nm of torque. Along with the electric motor however, the XC90 T8 Inscription generates 398bhp of max power and 640Nm of peak torque. The engine comes mated to a 8-speed automatic transmission, with the power getting transferred to the rear wheels through the electric motor while the front is powered by the petrol mill. With the help of the electric motor, the XC90 T8 Inscription can travel up to 32kms on a single charge and can sprint from 0-100kmph in just under 6 seconds.
Also Read: Volvo XC90 T8 Excellence Plug-In Hybrid Launched In India
Volvo is offering the XC90 T8 Inscription with 6 drive modes - Save, Pure, Hybrid, Power, All-Wheel Drive and Off-Road. The electric motor can be charged with a power outlet of 110V or a 240V for about 12 hours or six hours depending on the outlet. Moreover, the XC90 T8 Inscription also gets the brake energy recuperation feature that charges the electric motor every time the brakes are applied. The company will offer two charging stations to the customers at no additional cost. These charging stations can charge the XC90 T8 Inscription in about 2.5-hours.
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